by : Elle Nash
I am here to share with you information about a new powerful intermittent fasting diet that is going to change the way you think about eating. A recent study on this type of eating gave researchers some amazing results to look at. Not only did participants experience weight loss, but they also had better health and were believed to live a longer life because of this diet. Now this should excite a lot of people because it certainly excited me. A lot of us want to lose that fat on us, but now we can lose that fat and extend our lifespan. I did a little more investigating into this diet and I'm going to share what I've learned about it.The explanation of the intermittent fasting diet is actually quite simple. There is no restrictions on the foods you choose to eat. You can eat greasy burgers from any fast food joint or indulge in your sweet tooth. With intermittent fasting, your diet is structured by periods of eating and periods of fasting, which makes it quite different from a traditional diet. For a full 24hr period, you can eat what you want and as much as you want. The next 24hrs, you go on a fast with very minimal calories consumed. That's all it is and it repeats in a cycle. You may be thinking "well, if you're not eating for a full day, you're going to lose weight." Participants actually eat two regular days worth of food during there 24hr eating period, so there is no real change in calories consumed.
The intermittent fasting diet is getting more popular each day, but it is still relatively unknown to the mainstream. The great thing is that you can get into and start this diet long before anyone else ever gets a chance to. This way, people will be asking and they'll think you're one of the first ones.
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Learn how you can lose weight with Intermittent Fasting
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