Saturday, January 3, 2015

Low carb diet is safe

Low carb diet is safe - Diet carbohydrates are poor at present the most popular form of many people, fitness conscious use diet regime. The low carb philosophy is taking the world by storm when millions of people are trying to lose this new regime in hopes of weight and excess fat.

Proponents of the low carb diet philosophy also say that apart from weight loss, but also has other inherent advantages. They said, lowers cholesterol, helps control diabetes or permanently suspend development in some individuals. These are statements that seem to have been supported by the facts themselves followers of a low carb diet the same reports.

It's great because it's a good development to finally have a diet plan that will not only help you lose weight, but also the medical benefit very clear and significant.

But you can not deny that there are many diet plans that is effective or not, is false or even harmful and have a negative impact on health. So the question remains. Low carb diets are safe?

Not surprisingly, there are some issues presented against low carb diets, and, finally, there are also moves to debunk the low carb diet philosophy. In fact, in 2004, a Canadian court ruled that the food is sold in the country are not allowed to be marketed with reduced or zero carbs. This is because, as stated by the Court, were carbohydrates, which takes into account risks to health. The judgment also made all packaging has "no carbs" said the leak 2006 and the presentation of "low carb" or.

According to some critics and opponents of the low carb diet philosophy are the following side effects of this diet regime. Some of the side effects of consuming small amounts of carbohydrates include ketosis. It is a metabolic disorder characterized by headache, nausea, fatigue, dizziness and dehydration. There is also the issue of a fragrant breathing. There is also the possibility of clogging due to dietary fiber generally cut into prepared foods. In fact, due to the proliferation of constipation in the followers of the Atkins diet, there is now a clear direction for the addition of fiber supplements during the induction phase.

The murder of calories absorbed carbohydrates and replace the calories of meat can also increase your chances of increasing intake of saturated fat and cholesterol as much - and this may increase your chances of heart disease increases. E 'is also an indication that decreases with carbohydrates - increased protein intake the kidneys have to work harder to remove impurities in the body. There is also a marked change in the acidity in the blood, which can cause bone loss.

But according to studies to test the hypothesis that there was evidence that after a low carbohydrate diet to damage the kidneys or cause loss of bone density.


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