Sunday, October 26, 2014

Reading food labels Buyer Beware

Walking up and down the islands in the supermarket filling her shopping cart, you are armed with everything you need to make sure you choose wisely your articles. Making sound decisions is why you put together your shopping list carefully yesterday. Well, you know, most snack items are taboo and should be taboo, but maybe a track taken from the trash just in case you might be able to find something acceptable to eat later meal. If you see the words "low fat" or "fat", his brain automatically gives the green light, as these foods will not make you gain weight, right? But is that really all there is to do, or is there more here than meets the eye?

According to studies, Americans eat around 49,000 extra calories per year, which translates into a total of 14 pounds of body fat per year. Therefore, it is estimated that 65% of Americans are considered overweight. In essence, Americans are slowly getting fatter, and is by far the consumption of "fat free" foods.

The problem is that, while the "fat free" foods do not contain actual fat, many of which contain high amounts of sugar. It's all sugar has been added to these products, which can be called "fat". Consuming high amounts of sugar will make you gain weight because sugar causes the level of blood sugar in the blood rises quickly, you know. For high insulin response to insulin, especially in large quantities, is to make good your fat cells much of this sugar for storage. In this sense, there is something you can do to stay on the canvas before labeling deception?

Here are some things that will help are clear, to incorrect labeling reading so you have a clear vision of what can really be.

For starters, always read everything on the label. Do not just look at the fat and skim the rest down. Watch the sugar content and compare it to the total carbohydrate content, to see how many carbs are actually sugar.

Always compare the calories from fat of total calories. Fat should not exceed 30% of the total calories of the majority.

Look at the protein and make sure there is at least a decent amount in the article. Protein-rich foods such as cereals are good healthy snacks.

It is also important to seek the fiber content of some foods. If you buy small example cereals, make sure you have at least 5 grams of fiber per serving. Also, try to buy whole grains like whole wheat bread and whole wheat pasta because they are decent amounts of fiber.

In addition to reading the labels, you should also read the list of ingredients. Here's where to see what is actually in each element. The buyer flour products such as bread or pasta, avoid anything with the words enriched, white flour or white in the ingredients. The more concentrated the product, less nutritious. Wheat flour has a very high sugar content and therefore is not the best option. Look for items instead of whole wheat flour.

Something in the list of ingredients that you really need to realize that trans fats trans fats These are cleverly disguised with the words "hydrogenated vegetable oil" are hidden. These oils are produced by manufacturers add hydrogen to transform its liquid form to a solid form. These fats are more dangerous by far than saturated and you know how they are saturated fats. If "hydrogenated" is the key to see anywhere in the ingredients, put it down, back away slowly, then turn, run and do not look back!

Always remember all the times the food label and read the ingredients list before buying a product. Imagine never an article will not make you gain weight for the wrong "fat" so boldly displayed on the front of the pack for. It is this kind of deception, of the cause of unwanted weight gain throughout the country. Remember, the FDA requires that all food products, everything was open to their products to you, but it is ultimately up to you, read long enough to find any.

The next time you go food shopping, take these tips with you and help you make the right decisions. The for you and your family


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