Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What is the Zone Diet

The Zone Diet is one of the five most discussed diets currently approved. Developed by Barry Sears, a former researcher at MIT, which is based on maintaining insulin levels by a balance between carbohydrates and proteins at each meal.

Sears suggested that the primary cause of obesity is an imbalance of insulin in the body. He argues that the regime currently recommended by most medical institutions is high in carbohydrates and low in fat - a combination that is contributing to the production of too much insulin, and results in obesity.

The Zone Diet is based on the concept of achieving a physiological state that relies maintain insulin and eicosanoids, two hormones that are in areas that are carefully weighed. By controlling the balance of insulin and eicosanoids, fat loss to increase and decrease the risk of heart disease and diabetes, to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow and increase your physical and mental endurance.

The Zone Diet

The power of the program area is designed to be the intake of protein and carbohydrate to one part protein to 4 parts carbohydrate balance. He advises a moderate intake of carbohydrates, protein and fat to control insulin. He writes a maximum amount of low-fat protein to a meal 4.3 ounces, which is almost exactly the recommendation of the USDA and FDA. Most of the carbohydrates in the diet of the area of fruits and vegetables come with limited amounts of bread, rice, potatoes and cereals. The contribution must be fat monounsaturated fat, like olive oil, safflower oil and other "heart healthy oils.

This sounds a bit like carbohydrates (limiting) the Atkins diet, the differences are very clear. Atkins recommends a diet rich in protein, fat, with intent to cause ketosis, a potentially dangerous condition. Recommend high carbohydrate increased levels of carbohydrate and of inducing the production of insulin, which maintains Sears, increases weight gain. Instead, the Zone Diet recommends achieving an optimal balance of nutrients all play a role with moderate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and lipids.

The other component of the diet should be noted that the area of ​​supplementing the diet with fish oil. Fish oil, fish oil in particular contains pharmaceutical grade omega-3 fatty acids, which in healthy cells is an important component study after study over the past five years has confirmed the importance of fatty acids and fish omega-3 in the diet.

A sample meal plan on the Zone diet can include:
- 1 serving of 3 ounces of fried salmon
- Dressed spinach salad with apples and walnuts with walnut juice and lemon oil -
- 1/2 cup of brown rice
- 1 glass of fruit or vegetable juice

Recommended by the diet plan Zone diet combines small portions of low-fat protein, fat and vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. Also suggests eating protein at every meal and snack, and at least 3 meals and 2 snacks per day.

Who should use the Zone Diet?

As always, if you are under the care of a physician for a chronic disease, then you should consult before starting any diet that significantly changes in your eating habits. There are substantial differences between the Zone Diet for diabetics and heart and recommended such patients. In general, the recommended servings of foods and balance in accordance with a healthy diet and can be maintained throughout life.


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