Tuesday, November 11, 2014

His anchor, how to prevent your weight loss goals

Anchors are the reasons for the stick to each behavior. The ankles were highly repetitive memory associations, which are activated by the five senses of hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. They are constantly anchored his life in different ways. For example, when you hear a certain song brings back a memory of a particular person or place in time, this is an audio or an anchor triggered by your hearing anchor.

Have you ever met someone for the first time and noticed that something about them that reminds you of someone or something else? This is a visual anchor point or caused by his sense of sight anchor. So far, all the anchors were installed in your subconscious mind by someone else or by accident, and in most cases, you were not even aware of. Now, for the first time, through the process of Burris MIND / FITNESS, you can learn a reaction or behavior that you want to anchor and still get the desired results and again, until you are guaranteed at their ideal weight.

It is important to understand that your subconscious can, without even taking the time to think about what he does, think be turned into a negative anchored behaviors. It is this kind of behavior that is responsible for the worst eating habits. I refer to this behavior as "no thought of food." At the time of "No thought Manger" Your subconscious has no regard for what you do and where your conscious mind is not even aware that something is going on.

A good example of this is when you fear, anger, guilt, or boredom feel. Looking for something to eat immediately, even if you are not hungry. In most cases, you are for what your comfort foods that look all that call high in sugar, fat or both. Suppose you have a bag of cookies, no doubt you eat and before you know it, you eat the whole bag to find. Sometimes during this frenzy "You did not think Manger" consciousness awake to what is happening. Stop overeating and now feel fear, guilt, anger or boredom; You probably also feel a little sick. The first thought that comes to mind is: "Why do I like that I can not even hungry!" How many times have you done this counter negative question "Why do I have to eat?"

The second question is your subconscious triggered into action, a response that in turn to find a correlation of images. Surprise, surprise, you will not find in your subconscious eating behavior program? Were found, cookies to eat because you feel fear, guilt, anger or boredom. Of course he did it because it exactly as it was programmed as a child, fear, guilt, anger or boredom to respond. Also, here is your subconscious mind that response and the correlation that being overweight and use it to further anchor image for the early childhood program.

This is where the fun begins, what you need to do to throw their negative behavior of the existing anchor to change ", without thinking about lunch?" You simply restructure your question in the negative form of "Why do I like that?" If you feel that: in a positive manner to the question "How can I stop thinking that not eating when I feel terrible me, guilty, angry or bored," your subconscious mind is now a positive answer to your new positive questions as produce anxiety, guilt, anger or boredom, you can find an activity that you like instead of food. restored this new replies photos Empowerment correlation moves towards its ideal weight. It allows question is simple = very positive and positive results allowed.

Since it is important that you are always aware of your inner voice, to make sure all your questions are themselves positive and ensure that we maintain a positive emotional state forever.

Soon, your goal is regime change for weight loss to take an increase in your fitness program or control of an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. Ultimately, the question you should ask yourself is ... Am I completely happy with the mind running itself or can take control of it? If your answer is that I have to take control of it, then Burris MIND / FITNESS is the answer.

The health of the body depends on your mental health and the control of the subconscious mind is the key to lasting change of location of each behavior.


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