Monday, November 3, 2014

If she does not forget about quick weight loss, it doesn t always equal to 2 2 4

Everyone knows that calories are the enemy, and gained more weight more calories equally. Therefore, the way that most people think that losing weight is as easy as cutting calories.

It's just simple math, right?

After all, if you eat 3,000 calories a day and you go back to 1000 calories per day to reduce, then this extra 2,000 calories have to be burned by the body, right?

It's as simple as 2 + 2 = 4, or? Well, that's not entirely correct.

First, talking about the average person who starts a diet. The script looks like this usually ...

One day you look in the mirror and you finally get tired of how your body looks (or how your clothes) - and that day you get "angry" with himself, and how to cut calories in an attempt to begin to die thin hunger.

So you can officially begin your "starvation diet."

The first day, you can skip breakfast (after all, you are so angry and motivation, it is easy to skip a full breakfast).

Then a few hours later, their motivation quickly gives way to severe hunger - because your body is not used to so long because it has no calories.

Finally, at noon, you are so hungry that you feel weak and miserable, but you say you can do it through this hunger drive (after all, you do not want to look like a quitter to friends and family, knowing look you're dieting).

So you can make a small piece of fruit for lunch perhaps, bravely trying to keep his small plane hungry.

Then when dinner time comes hours later, you are so hungry and weak that he has a major headache - and you begin to realize that starving yourself might not be a good idea after all.

However, try to wait for a day or two on that miserable regime - because nobody wants to feel like a quitter.

So it is likely to wait for a day or two, so miserable in the meantime.

There are even some brave regimen that can keep for a week or two, maybe even two weeks for the bravest of the diet.

But regardless of how long you stretch - the result is always the same.

You see, even after two weeks, starving was no significant difference in your body is, if you look in the mirror.


The fact that the weight lost during a starvation diet largely water weight, not actual weight loss. This water weight is again immediately when you stop dieting and start eating normally be earned.

Even if you starve your body begins to burn fewer calories per day - even if you eat fewer calories a day to remember that your body will burn fewer calories.

For example, say you normally eat 2,500 calories a day (before starting a diet). Then all of a sudden try to starve yourself by eating only 1,000 calories per day.

Guess what?

Even if you eat 1,500 fewer calories per day your body will burn 1500 calories less per day to start - if your weight is the same, even if you starve to remain himself.

When the body starts to burn fewer calories, says a weight loss "plateau". For this reason, almost all starvation diet can not climb down after 2 weeks of feeding.

Therefore, the car is not always determined by "starvation diet" in a few weeks.

The truth is that weight loss can be "felt" not affected by hunger, and does not even make sense to try this type of diet.

Actual weight loss can give your body the right kind of calories at the right time achieved each day. Your body is like a big engine, and the truth is that we have three types of calories (protein, carbohydrates and fats) to some extent.

The best way to lose weight is to manage effectively, these three types of calories so your body gets the right amount of protein, the right amount of carbohydrates - and also the right amount of fat per day.


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