Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Fasting can help me lose weight

One way to lose weight is to stop eating right. Sounds simple, but in reality, you should know what you are doing in order to achieve long-term weight loss benefits of fasting. Let's look at the weakness and strengths of fasting for weight loss.

Like most forms of nutrition can be used to fasting dramatically, but temporary reductions of weight Obtener. You can go on a long fast, with nothing but grape juice or food or other low calorie meal replacement for several weeks, and while you are using which you can be definitely lose weight on the speed. However, you can not reliably during fasting to your normal social interactions on. It is not so easy to sit around sipping carrot juice while the rest of the family eats a standard meal.

Another problem with long fasting is that your body contain important nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein) and your favorite juice, they can. Fasting long without medical supervision can be dangerous.

Finally, a major problem with this type of fasting is Is the eleven Fast pause and resume eating your normal diet, you are likely to gain back all the weight you lost accident during rapid weight loss.

For this reason, fasting has no place in a weight loss plan? Yes, it does. Periodic fasting is one of the secrets to a long and healthy life. Digestive organs of our body require a break time to time as we need days off. Be made a day of fasting and methodically regulate Manner and offers you the rest That helps our digestive system, help in the removal of toxins from our body, and, yes, also helps us to lose weight in a healthy way durable.

As well, quickly
Here is a way to make a day of fasting, do not eat, and (when your body is strong) no water in the time from sunrise to sunrise the next day.

Successful Fasting consists of three phases: preparation, the actual fast, and breaking the fast. Each of these steps is important.


If you are not prepared mentally and physically, you will find it hard to be a day without eating. Mental preparation is simple, but very important. The night before the fast you need to take a firm determination that tomorrow you go too fast, you will not eat the food. If it is determined in advance, then advises you not fasting during the day whether you should continue or not to continue to start. If you are or feel unsure you can always find a hundred reasons why you should start eating!

Physical preparation también está important. The day before you fast, you should eat at normal amount of food and take a good amount of fluids (especially if you're going to be fasting without any liquids). If you miss before the fast meals a day, then you can start to feel a hungry during Lent. If you do not take enough fluids, especially in the night before the fast, then you feel uncomfortable when you are fasting.

If you are physically and mentally prepared you will not feel very hungry while you are fasting. If you decide to fast, your hunger just "off" for Lent. That seems hard to believe, but if you do it a few times, you will see that it is true.

fasting day

It is best to light physical tasks and concentrate more on intellectual and spiritual work during Lent. This is not a good idea to spend your time, acerca what you eat tomorrow! If you are well prepared This should not be a problem, and you can choose the time that you get from not make constructive things you "Normally we do not have time to have dinner to save.

Breaking the Fast

One of the benefits of fasting is that it helps to eliminate toxins from the body. However, you can only get this benefit if you break your fast correctly. The next morning, the fasting day, take two glasses of lemon water. Put the lemon juice have any available glass and a little salt. (The drink should both lemony and salty taste). After some time, you can enjoy your breakfast. The lemon water flushes your digestive system with a fixed saddle and many toxins eliminated.

On a day of fasting, as they are carried out twice a month. This type of fasting to give it rest on your digestive organs, help eliminate toxins, build your will power and strength of mind. In addition, the overall reduction of calories you get to two days without food each month, one of the elements of a balanced and sustainable weight loss program is going to be ....


  1. My mother is very weight and she always remain in this complex that her weight loss at any cost. For this purpose I start searching on the Internet some best plan and I found the Intermittent fasting for the weight loss. This program is best for this purpose without any side effect. Thank you for providing this type of information through this nice article

    1. thank you for the visit, my first suggestion is to reduce excessive eating habits. Stop eating before the stomach feel full, do not drink containing soda, alcohol, fasting every day from 5 am until 6 pm. And if you want to do with medicinal herbs, do like this: boil 9 or 11 soursop leaves with 2 cups of water until the remaining to 1 cup boiling water and drink while still warm soursop, do this 2 times daily for 1 month will see the results.


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